Summer Awarding 2024

Summer 2024

Summer 2024 Awarding and Results Days

The journey back to pre-pandemic arrangements:

  • 2023/24
    Exams will take place as normal, completing the return to pre-pandemic standards in grading.
  • 2022/23
    Exams took place, with students required to take all units. Support was provided through Advance Information and a mindful approach to grading as the return to pre-pandemic standards continued.
  • 2021/22
    Exams took place. A number of measures introduced to support students, including optional unit omissions for the majority of GCSE, AS and A level qualifications. Examiner judgement and grading approach mindful of students impacted by pandemic.
  • 2020/21 and 2019/20
    Exams were cancelled due to the widespread disruption to learning. Alternative awarding arrangements were put in place to ensure students could progress to the next stage of their journey.

Health and Wellbeing

Some helpline numbers you may find useful include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Standards and Grading Approaches

What is CCEA’s approach to awarding/grading qualifications this year?

In Summer 2024, CCEA will complete the journey back to the arrangements that were in place before the pandemic. This means that grading is anticipated to be in line with the pre-pandemic standards seen in 2019.

This return to pre-pandemic arrangements aligns with approaches in England and Wales, and ensures your qualifications continue to hold the same value as those taken elsewhere in the UK.

Please refer to CCEA Regulation’s update on the 2023/24 grading approach.

Will results in Summer 2024 be lower than in 2023?

Grading of qualifications will return to pre-pandemic arrangements this year, which is in line with the commitment from the qualifications regulator in October 2022 that “CCEA will continue the journey back to pre-pandemic standards in awarding its qualifications in 2023 and expects to achieve this by 2024.” This means results in our qualifications will be lower than those seen during the pandemic and more recently, post pandemic years. This aligns with the approach of other UK regulators and ensures the comparability and portability of CCEA qualifications.

Results Day 2024

When will I receive my Summer 2024 GCE and GCSE results?

  • GCE results will be issued to students on Thursday 15 August 2024.
  • GCSE results will be issued to students on Thursday 22 August 2024.

More FAQs on what to expect on Results Days can be found at Results Day Information for Students and Parents.

Post-Results Service

Can I seek a review of my marks if I have a query about my results?

Yes – if you have a query or think the results you received are not correct, the first thing you should do is talk to your school or college. They will help you decide the best course of action, and if you then decide to seek a review of your results, they will make an application to CCEA’s Post-Results Service on your behalf.

As is the case every year, there are agreed steps that CCEA’s Post-Results Service takes in line with guidance from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).

What options are available as part of the Post-Results Service?

Service 1: Clerical Re-check
A clerical re-check will check whether there were any administrative errors or if procedures were missed in marking your examination paper.

Service 2: Review of Marking by Component/Unit (i.e. by script/paper)
A review of marking of an externally assessed component (i.e. a script or other assessed item) for an individual student by a senior examiner, including a clerical re-check and breakdown of marks for that component/unit. A copy of the reviewed script will be available on request.

Service 2A: Priority Review of Marking by Component/Unit (i.e. by script/paper)
Priority review of marking of an externally assessed component/unit (i.e. a script or other assessed item) for an individual student, including a clerical re-check and breakdown of marks for that component/unit.

Students are advised to apply for this service only if a place in higher education is dependent on the outcome. If a student wishes to request this service, it is important that they inform their school or college as soon as possible. The deadline for requesting a priority review is 22 August 2024.

Access to Scripts
When requesting Access to Scripts, students should note that CCEA’s quality assurance checks on scripts before dispatch may result in a change of mark. The corresponding Mark Scheme will accompany all Access to Scripts request types.

Students should be aware that marks may go up, go down or remain the same when accessing any of the Post-Results Services.

Is there a charge for the Post-Results Service?

There is a charge for the Post-Results Service. More information on CCEA’s Post-Results Services, including fees, can be viewed in our Post-Results Support section.

A fee will not be charged in the following circumstances:

  1. If the script review results in a change to an overall subject grade (up or down) when a student has cashed in, no charge will apply to any unit reviews requested for that subject.
  2. If the script review results in a change to the notional unit grade (up or down), no charge will apply to the individual unit only.

What if I am not happy with the outcome of an examination marking review?

If you are not happy with the outcome of a review, you can apply for an appeal through your school or college. Your Head of Centre will be able to support and guide you through this process.

If a school or college intends to appeal, they should request a photocopy of the script. If an original hard copy script has been returned to the school or college under the Access to Scripts Service, it cannot then form part of a review of marking or a subsequent appeal.

Can my grade go down at a review?

Yes – one thing we always want students to bear in mind is that when using the Post-Results/Appeals Service, the outcome could lead to your grade going up, but it also means your grade could go down or remain the same.

What if I would like to use CCEA’s Post-Results Service but need to let my prospective university know the outcome as soon as possible?

CCEA offers a priority review service for those students who have a higher education place dependent on the outcome of a review of marking and have taken their examinations in the main series. In these instances, students should inform their first-choice university, or other provider, that they have applied for a review to enable universities to decide how to handle your offer.

The deadline for submitting a priority review to CCEA is 22 August 2024.

Will I be charged for an Appeal?

Yes – there is a charge for the appeal process. However, if an appeal results in a grade change, there will be no charge.

You can find further information on appeals charges in our Post-Results Services – June 2024 Examinations Series – Summary Document.

Appeals related to access arrangements and malpractice will remain free of charge.

Post-Results Service - Your Options

b) Resits

Retaking some of your qualifications could be an option. Your teachers will advise you best on this decision.

c) Alternative Routes

There are always other routes to consider for your career path. You might, for example, want to explore the technical and professional qualifications offered by your school or local college.

If you cannot access your original higher education course, consider alternatives such as Higher-Level Apprenticeships, foundation degrees and Higher National Diplomas. These are often offered by local colleges.

You can contact the NI Direct Careers Service by calling 0300 200 7820 or through web chat at

Understanding Your Results

Further information on understanding your results can be found at Interpreting Your Results.