Post-Results Services
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5.1 Is there a priority service this year?
Yes, a priority service for post-results will be available for Summer 2024. All priority review of results requests must be submitted to CCEA by Thursday 22 August 2024.
5.2 I am an A Level candidate, and I need a review of marking on my script urgently for application to university. How long will the review take?
- CCEA offers a priority review of marking service for GCE A Level students.
- All enquiries must be made through your centre and the closing date for this priority service is Thursday 22 August 2024.
- The outcome of this review must be reported to centres within 15 calendar days of receipt of request, however, CCEA will make every effort to turn around priority review requests as quickly as possible for response to UCAS/CAO.
- All outcomes of reviews of marking are returned to centres and not directly to candidates.
- CCEA reports outcomes by unit and the overall grade may change (upwards or downwards) with each review, during the Review process.
5.3 What is the final date by which a post results service can be requested?
The post-results closing date is Thursday 26 September 2024.
5.4 How will I find out the result of my request?
CCEA will send a letter to your centre, via the Post-Results Services App, outlining the outcome of your review of results request to CCEA Awarding Organisation. Your centre will inform you of the outcome of your request.
5.5 May I as a candidate or private candidate put in post-results request directly to CCEA?
No. All requests for the post-results service must be placed by the centre through which you were entered.
5.6 I would like to see my script(s)
You can use the Access to Scripts service to obtain a digital copy of your script. The application for access must be made through your centre. If you apply for a digital copy, you have the option of applying for a review of marking on this script.
If you apply for a digital copy of script to support teaching and learning you will not be able to request a review of marking on this script.
There are a number of different services available. Your centre has details of these, or you can find details on the CCEA website. Click here to view the post results services available.
Please remember CCEA can only accept requests for post results services from your centre.
5.7 Can I see my completed examination script?
Yes, CCEA offers an access to scripts service. Contact your centre to make the application for you.
Please note the following:
- Once you request access, your script will be subject to additional quality assurance checks which may result in a change to your mark. Marks may go up as well as down and candidates should be made aware of this before signing the request form.
- Remember, if you apply for an access to a digital copy of your script for the purpose of teaching and learning, you will not receive this until after the closing date of the Review of Marking service.
- CCEA will send all access to script requests electronically to centres.
5.8 Is it worthwhile applying for a review of marking on a script?
Your centre has information about the marks you achieved in each component or unit you sat with CCEA and the grade boundaries for each of these. Where your mark lies in relation to these grade boundaries may affect your decision as to whether or not you should apply for a review of marking. You should contact your centre for advice. Your teachers and your Head of Centre are the best people to advise you. All requests for a review of marking must be submitted by your centre.
5.9 If my GCE review of results request has resulted in a grade change, when will UCAS be informed?
UCAS will be informed of all grade changes at the same time as the centre receives your electronic outcome letter and revised provisional statement of results.
5.10 How much does each service cost?
Each service has a charge. The Priority 2 Review of Marking service is £36.55 per script. The advantage of using this service is that the outcomes will be reported back to the centre 15 days after receipt of application (or earlier if possible). As the final date to receive applications is Thursday 22 August 2024, outcomes will be reported back to centres as soon as possible.
Please click here to view full information on all charges in CCEA’s Post Results Services Summary Document.
5.11 How long will it take to get a clerical check?
The outcome of a clerical check will be reported to your centre within 10 calendar days of receiving your request.
5.12 How long will it take to get a Review of Marking (non-priority)?
The outcome of the review of marking will be reported to your centres within 20 calendar days of receiving your request.
All outcomes of review of marking/clerical check enquiries are returned to centres and not directly to candidates.
5.13 What happens if my script is checked, and it results in a mark change?
If you request a review of marking or access to scripts and it results in a mark change, the new mark will be reported to your centre. If this change of marks in turn leads to a change of grade, you will be issued with a new statement of results which reflects this change. Your certificate will also carry the new grade.
Candidates should be advised before using any review of marking service that changes to marks and grades can be higher or lower than the original provisional mark and grade reported. CCEA reports outcomes by unit and the overall grade may change (upwards or downwards) with each review, during the Review process.
5.14 Am I entitled to a refund of the review of marking if my marks have changed?
You will not be charged for a clerical check/review of marking if the following circumstances apply:
- If the Review results in a change to an overall subject grade (up or down) when a candidate has cashed-in. No charge will apply to any units requested for the subject.
- If the Review results in a change to the notional unit grade (up or down). No charge will apply to the individual unit only.