Post-Primary Updates

We want to be able to provide you with the information that YOU want to receive about us. This will include essential CCEA updates, new support materials, events and organisation news.

Please take a few moments to sign up for information on what areas or subjects are of interest to you.

We will never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. You can change your mind at any time and unsubscribe from CCEA emails.

“We” includes information from the CCEA Awarding Organisation, the CCEA Regulator and the NI Curriculum.

* indicates required
If you are a Parent please either add your child’s school or n/a and if you are a Principal/Teacher please include your school details.
Who are you? *
Key Stage 3

Privacy Notice

Unless you tell us not to, we will tell you about products and services we think you might be interested in. We might do this through the post, emails, text message or online. We will not share your data with third data parties.

We won't send you marketing messages if you tell us not to but we will still need to send you service-related messages. You can tell us in the following ways:

  • When we email you, you can use the link in it to opt out of marketing emails.
  • When we text you, you can text back to tell us to stop further SMS marketing.