Updated General Conditions of Recognition as of 1 October 2020

CCEA Regulation News
Published: 05/10/2020, 2:00pm

We previously carried out a joint consultation with Qualifications Wales and Ofqual on a number of changes to our respective General Conditions of Recognition (GCoR). We announced our decisions on 20 February 2020 and confirmed that the majority of changes would come into effect on 1 October 2020.

We have published these changes in our CCEA Regulation General Conditions of Recognition. They also include, alongside the current wording, the revised Condition F1 which comes into effect on 18 January 2021. We’ve also published information that explains how our General Conditions of Recognition differ from the equivalent rules in England and Wales. 

The General Conditions of Recognition should be read alongside the extraordinary regulatory frameworks we have put in place for General Qualifications and Vocational and Technical Qualifications while they remain in force.

Note to Editors

Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact Ruth Hobson or Joanne Schofield.