CCEA Regulation responds to Ofqual announcement on the vocational and technical qualifications announcement
Today’s announcement by Ofqual outlines the arrangements for the awarding of some of the vocational and technical qualifications that it regulates in England.
CCEA Regulation regulates vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland. We want to reassure these students that we are working closely with the Department for the Economy (DfE), the Department of Education (DE) and awarding organisations to agree options for awarding vocational qualifications in Northern Ireland this summer.
For the wide range of vocational qualifications used for progression we are considering how similar arrangements to those set out for general qualifications in England and Wales could be applied.
However, given that there are many different types of vocational qualifications, awarding organisations, learner groups and assessment approaches, the landscape is complex and one approach to awarding is unlikely to be appropriate for all these qualifications. Any arrangements agreed must be fair to all learners and CCEA Regulation is working with awarding organisations to ensure this is the case.
As further information becomes available, we will update schools, colleges and training providers on decisions around vocational qualifications and provide guidance. Please check our CCEA website for the most up to date information.
Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact Ruth Hobson or Joanne Schofield.