Diversity and Inclusion

CCEA Regulation along with its fellow regulators, Ofqual and the Qualifications Wales, are committed to ensuring that all candidates have access to qualifications and equality of opportunity, while at the same time safeguarding the integrity of qualifications.

Access and Inclusion

Ongoing research and development work is being carried out by the three regulators in consultation with awarding organisations and disability groups to ensure that qualifications are accessible to all candidates and conform to current equality legislation.

Every effort is made by awarding organisations and regulators to ensure fair access.

Fair Access by Design

The regulatory authorities have a duty to ensure there is fair access to external qualifications. The statutory regulation of qualifications supports this with a requirement on awarding organisations to consider the needs of all potential candidates when developing specifications, assessment arrangements and associated materials. Examinations must be designed to minimise any later need to make adjustments for candidates who have particular requirements.

The Fair Access by Design resource sets out the principles underlying current good practice and can be used to support wider training and development programmes within awarding organisations and the regulatory authorities.