Compliance with regulatory requirement
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The focus of CCEA Regulation will be on awarding organisations and ensuring that each recognised awarding organisation takes responsibility for the quality and standards of its qualifications. This section sets out how recognised awarding organisations will evidence their compliance with the regulatory requirements of an ongoing basis, and how we monitor that compliance.
Each recognised awarding organisation must comply with the CCEA Regulation General Conditions of Recognition as well as any specific qualification requirements.
How does an Awarding Organisation stay recognised?
In order to stay recognised, awarding organisations will need to declare their compliance with the CCEA General Conditions of Recognition on an annual basis by completing the Statement of CCEA Compliance and forwarding it to [email protected].
Details required for each Annual Statement of Compliance will be communicated to the awarding organisation at least two months before the required date. On an annual basis we carry out monitoring audits with awarding organisations to confirm compliance, and a number of focussed monitoring projects.