What is e-Assessment
e-Assessment (eA) is defined as:
“The end-to-end electronic assessment processes where ICT is used for the presentation of assessment and the recording of responses.”
In order to develop and implement the use of eA in qualifications effectively, consideration is needed for:
Critical Success Factors
A single operational model for delivering e-assessment or a predictable range of job structures and responsibilities within schools that offer e-assessment is not expected, however there are critical success factors that need to be present in all centres:
- Processes must have demonstrable consistency and reliability.
- Staff must have the appropriate skills to manage and deliver these processes.
- Centres must be able to demonstrate their accountability for the quality of these processes to external agencies.
- A degree of flexibility needs to be maintained so that these processes and skills are able to evolve in response to technological developments.
Generic skills and knowledge
All staff involved in e-assessment should have (or be trained to have) the following skills and knowledge, irrespective of their role in the e-assessment process:
- A general understanding of the principles of fair assessment;
- An understanding of the importance of security in the conduct of assessment and a knowledge of the security measures required for e-assessment, especially those applicable to their own school;
- A general familiarity with the e-assessment systems and delivery platform(s) in use at their centre;
- An awareness of possible malpractice in e-assessment and the precautions needed to prevent and detect it;
- An awareness of legislation and codes of practice relevant to the operation of the centre; and
- The general regulations of relevant awarding bodies, and regulatory authority guidelines and codes of practice.
A staffing requirements checklist may be used by schools both for identifying gaps and recruitment and/or training requirements.
Key areas of Responsibility
Key areas of responsibility in the management and delivery of assessments through both e-testing and e-portfolios:
Senior Management
Responsible for developing and supporting an e-assessment strategy for the organisation;
Co-ordination/Operational Management
Responsible for implementation of the e-assessment strategy and policies, and accountability for the e-assessment strategy;
Responsible for operational systems and processes;
Technical Support
Responsible for the technology, whether provided in-house or via a third party; and
Working with the learner
Responsible for maximising the potential for success through the e-assessment process.