European Qualifications Framework (EQF)
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) for lifelong learning was formally adopted by the European Commission in 2008 as an overarching qualifications framework which links different countries’ qualifications frameworks together. Acting as a translation device to make qualifications easier to understand across different countries and systems in Europe, its main aim is to help people moving from one country to another for work, or to continue their education or training.
The EQF is made up of 8 levels. Each country’s national qualifications framework (NQF) levels are linked to EQF levels and this allows the EQF to “translate” how qualifications within the different education systems in the member states relate to each other. It applies to all types of qualifications from those achieved at school, to academic, professional or vocational qualifications awarded at the highest levels. This means that employers and education/training providers have additional information to assist them to understand qualifications from other countries.
Referencing Process
The current state of play with the EQF referencing process
Of the 39 countries involved with the EQF referencing, 35 have undertaken the referencing process and have endorsed referencing positions. Most of the remaining countries are expected to have undertaken the referencing process by the end of 2019.
Many countries are now producing updated referencing reports following developments in their qualifications systems. The UK presented its first report on referencing the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (CQFW), the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) and the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) to the EQF AG in January 2010. The UK countries have agreed to present separate updated referencing reports to the EQF AG in 2018/19. Scotland will present its updated referencing report, for the SCQF in December 2018. Wales and England/Northern Ireland intend to present updated referencing reports in June 2019 for the CQFW and Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) respectively.
Referencing the Qualifications Frameworks of England and Northern Ireland to the European Qualifications Framework
CCEA Regulation along with Ofqual and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), are pleased to publish a report today referencing the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) and the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ), to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
The EQF is a common reference framework, the purpose of which is to help people understand qualifications across different countries and systems within and beyond Europe. This report will promote better understanding of the education and training system in England and Northern Ireland.
The report was produced under the guidance of an England/Northern Ireland Steering Group including representatives from all education sectors including higher education, vocational education and training, the school and college sector, awarding organisations, the voluntary and community sector, learners, employers, and a range of government and regulatory bodies including education, funding, inspection and quality assurance agencies.
Similar work has been carried out in Wales with regard to the Credit and Qualifications Framework (CQFW) and in Scotland with regard to the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). Comparison between the qualifications frameworks of the UK and Ireland is supported by the recently revised Qualifications Can Cross Boundaries leaflet.
The report is also posted on the EQF website alongside the referencing reports from other European countries, and is accessible around the world to provide an overview of how the education, training and qualifications system operates in England and Northern Ireland.
The EQF website hosts a web-tool that allows comparisons of qualification levels between countries that have referenced their framework to the EQF.
Joint portal on learning opportunities and qualifications
Further information on the EQF is available at the Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe portal. This is a joint European Union Portal on learning opportunities and qualifications. The qualifications portal provides information on the EQF, NQFs and how they compare as well as information on qualifications in Europe with the facility to search by subject field, level of education or country. The learning opportunities portal provides information and links on opportunities to learn or study in another EU country with the facility to search by subject field, level of education or country.
Most European countries plan to have completed the process to link their national qualifications systems to EQF levels by end 2019. The results of this linking (or ‘referencing’) process are available on the qualifications Portal under Compare National Qualifications Frameworks. Some countries have linked their national qualifications framework database to the portal to provide a further level of details about the qualifications contained in each national framework.
Skills for Europe
The Skills for Europe website has been designed to help careers advisers, recruiters, university and college staff, learners and workers understand how skills and qualifications are recognised across Europe.
You may be advising, recruiting or employing learners and workers from Europe, or looking to study or work abroad.
This portal to the European world of skills and qualifications can help you understand how to:
- check the level of difficulty of qualifications used in different countries and compare them to your own
- have confidence that training you or your learners/employees receive abroad is quality assured
- demonstrate the value of what you (or your learners/employees) learn during a placement abroad
- describe your qualifications and experiences in a way that’s understood across Europe.
Each page includes links to the databases and frameworks that are maintained by the European collective.