About CCEA Regulation
The Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) has responsibility for the regulation of qualifications taken by learners in Northern Ireland (NI), as set out in the Education (Northern Ireland) Order 1998:
- ‘CCEA shall develop and publish criteria for the accreditation of relevant external qualifications, and accredit, where such criteria are met, any qualifications submitted for accreditation.’
- ‘CCEA shall keep under review all aspects of relevant external qualifications, and publish and disseminate information relating to relevant external qualifications.’
CCEA Regulation works independently of the Awarding Organisation side of CCEA and is responsible for the quality assurance of qualifications offered in NI.
Additionally CCEA is required to ensure that the standards of general and skills examinations available in NI are equivalent and comparable to examinations conducted by bodies or authorities exercising similar functions elsewhere in the UK.
What does CCEA Regulation do?
Regulatory Activities
CCEA Regulation work includes the recognition and monitoring of Awarding Organisations and evaluating their qualifications against published criteria and conditions. We approve and monitor Awarding Organisations offering qualifications in Northern Ireland, ensuring that they have the capability to offer these qualifications and that they meet the General Conditions of Recognition. Awarding Organisations that are approved must continue to comply with the Conditions of Recognition and are subject to monitoring by CCEA Regulation.
We also undertake regulation and development activities for skills qualifications, particularly Essential Skills. Where appropriate CCEA Regulation works closely with the Qualifications Regulators in England (Ofqual) and Wales (Qualifications Wales).
The Register
The Register online resource provides information on the qualifications and awarding organisations regulated by Ofqual and CCEA Regulation.
Advice and Guidance
CCEA Regulation provides advice, support and guidance to the Department of Education (DE) and, in relation to professional and technical qualifications, to the Department for the Economy (DfE). We act as the first point of contact for all regulatory matters in schools.
Projects for Government
CCEA Regulation has a responsibility to provide advice to government on a range of matters relating to qualifications. This work is completed, depending on its scope and nature, either by CCEA Regulation independently or in conjunction with other regulators across the four countries.
European Qualifications Development
This work is undertaken on behalf of DfE. CCEA Regulation is the designated NI National Co-ordination Point (NCPs) for the implementation of several related European initiatives to support lifelong learning and mobility. We undertake this work jointly with designated NCPs in England, Scotland and Wales.