GCE Technology and Design (2016)

The CCEA GCE Technology and Design specification encourages students to recognise and overcome challenges and constraints when working towards making high quality products.

This specification is available at two levels: AS and A2. Students can take the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification. They can also choose to take the AS course as a stand-alone qualification.

The AS units include a common core of design and materials and a specialised study of:

  • systems and control (either electronic and microelectronic systems or mechanical and pneumatic systems); or
  • product design.

Students also complete a product development task that is internally assessed.

Students who continue to A2 explore systems and control (either electronic and microelectronic systems or mechanical and pneumatic systems) or product design in greater detail than at AS level. The A2 course includes an internally assessed design-and-make task.

The specification has four units:

  • Unit AS 1: Compulsory: Design and Materials and
    Option: Systems and Control or Product Design
  • Unit AS 2: Coursework: Product Development
  • Unit A2 1: Systems and Control or Product Design
  • Unit A2 2: Coursework: Product–System Design and Manufacture.

Current Specification

First teaching: from September 2016
First award of AS level: from Summer 2017
First award of A level: from Summer 2018
QAN AS level: 601/8366/4
QAN A level: 601/8367/6
Subject code: 8900
Guided learning hours AS level: 180
Guided learning hours A level: 360
Qualification level: 3

Skills developed through our GCE Technology and Design

This specification builds on learning from Key Stage 4 and gives students opportunities to continue to develop the Cross-Curricular Skills and the Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities. It encourages students to draw on their knowledge, understanding and skills in making processes and apply these to a range of technological and design activities.

Students use digital technologies and information handling skills to enhance their technological and design capability. They also develop higher order thinking skills, such as creative thinking and problem-solving.

This qualification gives students a sound basis for progression to higher education.

For more information on this specification contact:

Judith Ryan
Subject Officer
(028) 9590 6550
Nuala Tierney
Specification Support Officer
(028) 9590 6689

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