GCE Professional Business Services (2017)

The CCEA GCE Professional Business Services (PBS) specification is unique. It aims to close the skills gap in a growing area of the economy that provides exciting opportunities for suitably qualified and skilled workers.

The qualification has two internally assessed units and four externally assessed units. The AS internal assessment unit is based on a case study that is released annually. Students demonstrate the skills a PBS consultant needs to advise businesses on improving their human resource management. The other AS units introduce the PBS sector and the skills required to make effective financial decisions.

The A2 units cover three key aspects: technology, leadership and management, and project management skills and processes. The A2 internal assessment unit explores the stages of successful project management. Students engage with businesses to develop and use their experience to plan and ideally execute a one-off project.

This specification is available at two levels: AS and A2. Students can take the AS units plus the A2 units for a full GCE A level qualification. They can also choose to take the AS course as a stand-alone qualification.

The specification has six units:

  • Unit AS 1: Introduction to Professional Business Services
  • Unit AS 2: Human Resource Services
  • Unit AS 3: Financial Decision Making
  • Unit A2 1: Technology in Business
  • Unit A2 2: Leadership and Management
  • Unit A2 3: Project Management Skills and Processes.

Current Specification

First teaching: from September 2017
First award of AS level: from Summer 2018
First award of A level: from Summer 2019
QAN AS level: 603/1438/2
QAN A level: 603/1437/0
Subject code: 3210
Guided learning hours AS level: 180
Guided learning hours A level: 360
Qualification level: 3

Skills developed through our GCE Professional Business Services

This specification builds on learning from Key Stage 4 and gives students opportunities to continue to develop the Cross-Curricular Skills and the Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.

Students develop their communication skills and work independently to select appropriate information. They apply their knowledge and understanding to a range of contexts.

Students develop their ability to research and analyse information, evaluating and using it to make reasoned arguments. They also learn to present, evaluate and draw conclusions. They develop the ability to write succinctly and coherently, using specialist terms to present their ideas clearly.

Additional Support

The Association of Project Managers website has a range of useful resources, including case studies and blogs.

For more information on this specification contact:

Donal Gallagher
Subject Officer
(028) 9590 6700
Arlene Ashfield
Specification Support Officer
(028) 9590 6678