Legacy Support

The materials in this section relate to the legacy specification (no longer available for teaching) however, they may still be of use to teachers and students. Centres should ensure they fulfil the requirements of the current specification.

Important Notice

The materials in this section relate to the legacy specification (no longer available for teaching) however, they may still be of use to teachers and students.

Centres should ensure they fulfil the requirements of the current specification.

In this resource a wide range of topics were used with the AS Irish Legacy specification. There are news items, sports reports, discussions, interviews, debates etc in the recordings. This was a popular resource with teachers and students alike and for that reason it is being made available.

Below you will find a selection of recordings based on the above mentioned topics. Simply select the recording you want and also select the accompanying questions. The mark schemes and transcripts, relating to the Legacy specification, are provided on a separate document.

Saol na Scoile (1 - 6: School Life)

Cúrsaí Spóirt agus Saoire (7 - 14: Holidays and Sport)

Mórcheisteanna Reatha (15 - 22: Current Issues)

Fadhbanna Sóisialta (23 - 27: Social Problems)

Iarmhairtí na Teicneolaíochta (28 - 32: Consequences of Technology)