CCEA’s New Campaign Highlights How Food and Nutrition Qualifications Open Doors for Students
As part of CCEA’s new campaign, a diverse range of local organisations, schools, colleges, and students have come together to discuss the many advantages of studying Food and Nutrition.
The focal point of the campaign is to inform students and parents of the many transferable skills and career opportunities studying Food and Nutrition can offer. The campaign is supported by a video, featuring representatives from Moy Park, the Public Health Agency (PHA), the NHS, Ulster University, Clear Pharmacy and Lagan College.
Speaking about the campaign, CCEA’s Chief Executive Gerry Campbell said:
“It is an inspiration to hear from past pupils as they take us through their experience on how studying Food and Nutrition paved the way for them to work in careers such as the health service, food production, hospitality, sports and leisure and education – a truly diverse and wide range of opportunities.”
One career path highlighted is that of Laura Reddick whose farming background and passion for the agri-food industry led her to study Food and Nutrition and forge a career with Moy Park as their New Product Development Technologist. Laura said: “A current project I’m working on is to launch a party food line with a major retailer. Seeing my products on the shelf provides me with a great sense of achievement.”
Dr Grace Kettyle, who works for the NHS, spoke from her own experience: “Those wanting to become doctors would greatly benefit from studying Food and Nutrition. The knowledge I have gained through my Food and Nutrition qualification helps me on the wards.”
Michael Gillies, Ulster University’s Course Director and Lecturer in Culinary Arts, added: “Studying Food and Nutrition opened doors in terms of career progression. It gave me the skills to go into Hospitality and Catering but there were so many other directions I could have gone.”
To hear about the many benefits of studying Food and Nutrition from past pupils and local organisations, you can view CCEA’s Food and Nutrition video here:
CCEA offers the following food and nutrition qualifications:
Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact us by email at [email protected] or call 028 9026 1200.