Gambling and Gaming Awareness
Key Stage 3 Learning for Life and Work teachers…
Have you seen CCEA’s Gambling and Gaming Awareness resources yet?
The Key Stage 3 resources produced by CCEA include five lessons that help teachers delivering the statutory curriculum for Learning for Life and Work (LLW): Personal Development.
Each lesson supports one of the key aspects of emotional wellbeing identified in the Children & Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Education Framework (EHAW):
Further Information
Lesson 1: Leisure Time is Important - Understanding that the leisure activities we chose can impact our wellbeing.
Lesson 2: Feel-Good Hormones - Learning how balancing our ‘feel-good’ hormones can improve our wellbeing.
Lesson 3: Leisure and Money - Recognising that gambling products are deliberately sold to us.
Lesson 4: Advertising and Leisure - Understanding that advertising influences the choices we make.
Lesson 5: Knowing Who to Trust - Recognising that difficulty stopping gambling or playing games is not weakness.
You can now access and begin using the Gambling and Gaming Awareness resource.
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