CCEA Period Poverty Survey Findings Report now available

Published: 16/12/2021, 11:40am

Today, Thursday 16 December 2021, CCEA has published the findings from the Period Poverty surveys, which assessed the frequency and extent of period poverty across schools and colleges in Northern Ireland.

Over 2,500 pupils, students and teaching professionals provided invaluable feedback on this important issue, with 98.2% of school pupils and 98.8% of teachers welcoming the proposed new government scheme to supply free period products in NI schools.

Other key findings suggest that amongst school pupils there is an existing stigma or taboo around the topic of periods. Over half of the pupils surveyed (53%) said that they had felt embarrassed when purchasing period products.

Also, at the time of the surveys, most teaching staff (96.8%) were aware of the term ‘period poverty’ and 70% had noted a pupil asking another pupil or member of staff for period products. In total, 67% of teachers surveyed agreed that they would find training on menstrual wellbeing and period poverty useful.

CCEA would like to extend its thanks, once again, to the pupils, students, and teaching professionals for sharing their experiences and knowledge of period poverty.

This feedback has helped to inform CCEA’s online Teacher Professional Learning Programme for Primary and Post Primary schools which took place throughout November and December. It is hoped that this online programme will not only have a positive impact on period dignity within Northern Ireland schools but also provide teachers with the support and confidence to tackle any issues they or their colleague may come across.

A follow up suite of surveys will be made available in January 2022 to review how the pilot has developed this term.

Further information

Period poverty generally refers to poor menstrual knowledge and/or access to period products; two of the areas that the Period Dignity Pilot Scheme aims to tackle, to ensure that all learners can reach their full potential.

If your school has not yet nominated a Key Contact, you can do so through the link in the Period Dignity Policy and Guidance for Schools document or via our updates form here.

Key Contacts for the Period Dignity Pilot Scheme will receive updates on behalf of their school to include information on our upcoming resources to support Primary and Post Primary teachers.

Note to Editors

Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact us by email at [email protected] or call 028 9026 1200.