CCEA Launches Consultation on Proposed Changes to CCEA Entry Level, Vocationally Related and Occupational Studies Qualifications for January and Summer 2021

CCEA has today announced a public consultation about the proposed changes to CCEA Entry Level, Vocationally Related and Occupational Studies qualifications due to be assessed in January and Summer 2021. The proposals are in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on learners across Northern Ireland.
CCEA has been commissioned by the Department of Education to examine how best to adapt qualifications during 2020/21 to take account of current public health requirements, lost learning time, potential further disruption and above all, to reduce the burden of assessment on students.
The consultation, which opens on 23 September 2020, will allow interested groups or individuals to comment on a wide range of potential changes to the qualifications and assessment requirements.
The qualifications under discussion have a significant focus on the development of skills within a vocational or work-based context. As such, practical work and by extension internal assessment feature prominently. To this end, the proposals aim to deliver qualifications that are a valid and reliable indication of knowledge, understanding, skills or practical competence whilst maintaining their value and character. This will ensure that learners studying these qualifications are confident of being able to progress to further study or employment.
The findings from the consultation will inform the final recommendations to be made to the Minister of Education. Proposals outlined assume a sustained return to school or college and assessments proceeding as planned in 2020/21. Contingency planning should that not be the case is ongoing separately.
The consultation is open to all interested parties until 5pm on Wednesday 7 October.
Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact Ruth Hobson or Joanne Schofield.