Explore the impact of COVID-19 on young people with CCEA's Active Citizenship resources

Published: 05/10/2020, 2:30pm
Explore the impact of COVID-19 on young people with CCEA's Active Citizenship resources

The Active Citizenship project, in collaboration with the Department of Justice, aims to develop a framework for developing young people’s understanding of lawfulness in society. It can also provide the safe space pupils need to gain an understanding of their situation and create a sense of purpose through the uncertainty that surrounds them.

To help make sense of COVID-19 and the reason for the restrictions imposed (such as social distancing and limitations on gatherings), our recently published Key Stage 3 resource uses existing Active Citizenship resources to explore the impact of COVID-19 on young people.

Access a range of new lesson plans associated with real-life scenarios, activities, links and questions related to COVID-19 in Active Citizenship Units 1, 3 and 8 by visiting our dedicated web page here:

Since school closures and other restrictions were introduced as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, young people have had to adapt to a ‘new normal’ with significant impact on their daily lives. This may, in turn, have ramifications for their mental health and wellbeing.

When using Active Citizenship resources to explore the impact of COVID-19 teachers may also wish to refer to the CCEA resources available on the Wellbeing Hub.

As part of the Active Citizenship project to date, 35 post-primary schools across Northern Ireland have engaged in additional support, events and live performances. In collaboration with Cinemagic, CCEA will continue to offer this to any interested schools in 2020-2021. This will include the opportunity to engage in an online performance event in February 2021.

If your schools is interested in participating please contact Teresa Robb for more information at [email protected]

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Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact Ruth Hobson or Joanne Schofield.