Coursework and Controlled Assessment (Internal Assessment) for CCEA Qualifications

Published: 27/03/2020, 6:30pm
Summer 2020 Examinations
Summer 2020 Examinations

The Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) has issued the following guidance to centres.

Following the Minister of Education’s announcement to close schools from 20 March 2020 and considering the government’s guidance on COVID-19, we recognise that it is not possible for centres to fulfil the requirements for coursework and controlled assessment (internal assessment) for CCEA qualifications. Therefore, centres should suspend internal assessment arrangements for CCEA GCSE and GCE qualifications.

CCEA are finalising options for the awarding of grades for GCSE and GCE qualifications and will shortly be advising the Department of Education on this. As part of our deliberations, we are considering a broad range of data and information that may be used.

Until our grading work is finalised and considered by the Department of Education, we are asking that examination centres retain coursework so that it may be available for future consideration and reference. Oral examinations cannot take place.

Learners should still be working towards completing their programme of study and we will provide further updates as soon as possible.

Note to Editors

Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact Ruth Hobson or Joanne Schofield.