Summer 2019 Examination Series - Issue of Results for GCE & CoPE
Electronic results files for GCE and CoPE will be available for centres to download from the A2C Migration Application on Wednesday 14 August 2019.
The results are for release to candidates on Thursday 15 August 2019.
Restricted release of results to centres | Qualification | Result File Name |
00:01 hours Wednesday 14 August 2019 |
GCE Grades (Cash-in) | R06A1961.x38 |
GCE (Units) | R06A1961.x39 | |
CoPE | R06A1961.x37 |
Centres must adhere to the JCQ instructions in relation to the release of results:
The results are issued on the strict understanding that the results files and their contents remain entirely confidential to the head of centre, examinations office staff and senior members of teaching staff within the centre, or the consortium, or Multi Academy Trust that, in the opinion of the head of centre, need to be made aware of the information.
The results, or information derived from results, must not be divulged to or discussed with:
- other teachers;
- candidates or parents;
- educational institutions and Local Authorities;
- the media;
- any other persons.
Additionally the results, or information derived from results, must not be divulged or discussed on social media such as Facebook or Twitter.
Centres must not release results data to Local Authorities until after 9.30am on the appropriate date for the publication of results.
Similarly, centres must not issue press releases or statements to the media under any circumstances until after 9.30am on the appropriate date for the publication of results.
Results data must not be shared more widely until after the candidates have received their results.
Any breach of these requirements will be considered as malpractice by an awarding body.
Centres should note that results are issued on a provisional basis and may be subject to amendment through the published post-results services.
Candidate statements of provisional results are not certificates. An awarding body reserves the right to amend examination results prior to the issue of certificates.
Reports available from the CCEA E Results app are as follows:
GCE Statement of Results
GCE Centre Marks Reports
GCE Consolidated Grades Reports
The E-Results application will be available from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 14 August 2019.
GCE E-Statements are for distribution to candidates on Thursday 15 August 2019.
Please note that access to candidate results through E-Results is subject to the same arrangements as hard copy results and results received via SIMs, as per JCQ regulations.
All other hardcopy results reports for GCE and CoPE will arrive into centres on Wednesday 14 August 2019.
Centres supported by C2k should contact the C2K helpdesk on 0870 601 1666.
Centres not supported by C2K should contact CCEA
If you have any queries regarding the issue of results via A2C please refer to the FAQ section of the A2C website.
Media enquiries to CCEA MarComms. You can contact us by email at [email protected] or call 028 9026 1200.