Assessment Arrangements at Key Stages 1 and 2 - 18/19 (P/IF/02/19)

Published: 30/04/2019, 2:30pm

Electronic Submission of Pupil Information and Levels

As part of the end-of-Key Stage assessment arrangements, we would ask all schools who intend to meet the requirements, to provide assessment outcomes via CCEA relating to Communication (English – and Irish as appropriate in Irish-medium schools and units); Using Mathematics; and Using ICT at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2. The details should be submitted electronically in an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) file. You should be assured that neither DE, ETI nor any other part of the education system will use end of key stage data in isolation and DE will not hold key stage assessment data identifiable at school level.

Is there any guidance available to schools?

Guidance on generating files and transferring the pupil data and levels to CCEA has been provided by C2k and is available on C2k Exchange ( The document is entitled Assessment – KS1, 2 Levels of Progression 2018-19. An entry file is not required. All pupil details will be part of the file created to submit levels. The process is quite similar to how schools would send their DE census returns annually. However, it is advisable for schools to familiarise themselves with this document in advance of the final date (24 May) for submitting the file.

What are the requirements?

Where schools intend to meet the requirements, they should submit one level for Communication, one level for Using Mathematics and one level for Using ICT for each pupil at end of Key Stage 1 (Year 4) and end of Key Stage 2 (Year 7). Irish-medium primary schools and units are required to send one level for Communication in Irish, one level for Using Mathematics and one level for Using ICT at Key Stage 1 and one level for Communication in English, Communication in Irish, Using Mathematics and Using ICT at Key Stage 2.

How do schools report levels for pupils in alternative education?

If a pupil is attending a centre for alternative education provision this centre should assess the pupil in the Cross-Curricular Skills. However, the school the pupil is registered with should ensure this level is reported in their EDI outcomes file.

How do schools submit the file electronically?

Webxchange should be used to submit the file. Guidance on this is available in the C2k document. Principals will have previously received their webxchange password for other processes. However, if it is not available please contact the C2k Service Desk.

What is the final date for submission of the file?

The final date for submitting the file is Friday 24 May 2019.

Having problems?

If you have any technical queries regarding the electronic transfer of pupil assessment outcomes please contact the C2k Service Desk on 0800 0931 541. For any general administration queries contact the CCEA Assessment Administration Team on (028) 9026 1405.

Is there any substitute cover available?

Substitute cover is available for teachers involved in statutory assessment. Please refer to DE circular 2019/2 for further information.

Note to Editors

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