Woven in Ulster: Ulster-Scots and the Story of Linen

Published: 08/02/2018, 2:43pm

CCEA in association with The Ulster Scots Agency, has developed a new web based World Around Us resource

CCEA in association with The Ulster Scots Agency, has developed a new web based World Around Us resource entitled, Woven in Ulster: Ulster-Scots and the Story of Linen for use by teachers of Years 6, 7 or 8. The resource commissioned by the Ulster Scots Agency focuses on the role the Ulster-Scots community played in the production of linen in Ulster. Woven in Ulster explores the linen industry from cottages to factories and finally to its decline in the twentieth century.

The resource is mapped to the Northern Ireland Curriculum and provides both a wide range of cross-curricular lesson plans and the resources required to teach each lesson.

Richard Hanna, Director of Education and Language, Ulster Scots AgencyPictured: Richard Hanna, Director of Education and Language, Ulster Scots Agency

Janice MacArthur, the CCEA Education Manager with responsibility for the development of this resource said, 'The linen industry was so huge that many of our pupils will have had someone in their family who either worked in a mill or had associations with a mill. I have no doubt that pupils will engage with this topic and both teachers and pupils will have an opportunity to connect with a significant part of our culture and recent past here in Northern Ireland.'

Richard Hanna, Director of Education and Language, Ulster Scots Agency commented, 'This unique resource builds on an already established collaboration between the Ulster Scots Agency and CCEA. The story of linen is part of the fabric of Ulster and the industry has influenced many aspects of the world around us. It is a story that has impacted us all. We look forward to continuing collaboration with CCEA in the future'.

View the resource Woven in Ulster: Ulster-Scots and the Story of Linen

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