World Religions other than Christianity
Six of the main World Religions other than Christianity are represented within this section. This material has been developed to assist both teachers and pupils. It is important for teachers to be aware that within each World Religion there is a diversity of belief and practice that cannot be discussed fully in the introductions provided in this resource.
Additional Resources
Web Resources
This is a detailed resource for teachers giving information about the main religious beliefs in the UK including timelines, history, beliefs, worship and a calendar of festivals. There is an a-z of religious terms, a time line for each religion and information about the religious breakdown in England and Wales from the 2001 census.
A short guide to the main religious faiths with information about population, origins and central beliefs. Good for basic information on world religions.
This site gives general information about all the major world religions including beliefs. Articles are in-depth and cover a range of topics including prayer, worship etc.
This site is specifically for secondary Religious Education in England/Wales and gives general information about most of the major world religions including information on origins, beliefs, traditions and worship. It also contains projects that have been completed by Year 8/9 pupils in RE. Clip art is also available in some religions. (N.B. No information about the Bahá’í faith.)
An excellent, easily navigated site that has both a teacher and a pupil section. There are a number of useful resources included on this site and a comprehensive search facility. The People of Faith section gives insight into individual’s view of their faith. Although specifically related to the curriculum in England and Wales the site offers a number of good resources in terms of places of worship.
Books published by Hodder
This is RE
3 student books + teacher resource books.
This series is based on QCA scheme of work and the locally agreed syllabuses for RE. It links with Attainment Targets and Levels in RE in England. Each chapter of the books is based on a theme and a key question with a final end task linking all the previous activities.
The teacher resource book includes teacher notes and pupil resources for the activities within the book. The books take an enquiry approach around key questions and the activities are based on investigation and questioning. The books are colourful and attractive and give some detail about the beliefs and practices of some of the main world religions including Christianity. Each book touches on the six main world religions in some way but the focus for each book is different.
- Book 1 – Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism
- Book 2 – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism
- Book 3 – all 6 are touched on in some way.
Framework RE
3 student books + teacher resource books + CD Rom (contains printable worksheets).
This series is based on the National Framework for RE (England and Wales) at Key Stage 3. Each book is split up into 6 units which is then split into 6 lessons. Throughout the three books there is a mixture of information on six of the main world religions to be covered by the National Framework.
Each unit is based around a key question which is broken down into further key questions for the lessons. The book takes an enquiry approach to the study of RE with each unit looking at the beliefs and practices of a number of religions.
The activities are based on stimulus material from the book including photographs, pictures and cartoons. The final lesson in each unit brings previous learning together in a number of activities.
The Teacher Resource provides information on the approach taken in the book along with a detailed breakdown of activities from each unit. Additional worksheets are provided (on CD Rom and in hard copy with suggestions for follow up and extension activities). The types of activities and the skills developed in each activity are also shown.
Books are useful if you want to integrate the teaching of World religions into other units of work based on a questioning approach to Religion and if you would like to teach about a number of world religions at Key Stage 3.
3 student books.
This series is based on QCA scheme of work and the locally agreed syllabuses for RE. It links with Attainment Targets and Levels in RE in England. Each chapter of the books is based on a theme and a key question with final end of unit activities linking all the previous ‘stop and think’ tasks within the unit. The end of unit activities focus on what the pupils know, what they think and action.
Throughout the three books there is a mixture of information on six of the main world religions. Some chapters focus on one particular religion e.g. In book A - Justice in Christianity, the life of Muhammad.
The Time of Your Life (Rituals and Beliefs)
This book looks at the rites of passage of 6 main world religions. It is a factually based book and the activities for pupils are based around this. Contains useful information for research into rites of passage for pupils at Key Stage 3.
Seeking Religion series - book + teacher resource pack for each of the 6 main world religions (foundation additions also available)
This series of books give detail about the main aspects of each of six world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam and Sikhism) and is based on the curriculum in England and Wales. They begin with origins and founders and the practice and beliefs.
The main aspects of Learning Objective 4 in the RE core syllabus is within the books. The activities come at the end of a chapter and are mainly factual activities based on the information within the chapter. The content of the books could be useful for research purposes for pupils at Key Stage 3.
The teacher resource pack includes a number of worksheets and differentiated materials for the curriculum in England and Wales.
Personal Search – (11-14) - 3 text books (each cover 2 world religions: Islam & Sikhism, Buddhism & Christianity; Hinduism & Judaism.)
These text books are based on this Scottish RME curriculum. Each text books cover 2 world religions under the headings Festivals and Celebrations, Stories and Key Figures, Beliefs, Practices and Values.
The activities within the books are split into 3 sections:
Finding out – these are generally information based activities which may require further research;
Thinking it over – these are activities that require the pupils to think about the information they have been given in the book; and Making connections – these activities centre round pupils making a connection with the religious belief and their own lives.
The main aspects of Learning Objective 4 in the RE core syllabus is within the books although a lot of the information is based in Scotland. The content of the books could be useful for research purposes for pupils at Key Stage 3.
Books published by Colourpoint
Local People Global Faiths
2 student books.
- Book 1 – Sikhs, Jews, Hindus in Northern Ireland
- Book 2 – Muslims, Buddhist and Bahá’ís in Northern Ireland
Both books are aimed specifically at the content of Learning Objective 4 in the Core Religious Education Syllabus at Key Stage 3. Each religion is dealt with discreetly with information given about the origins and beliefs of the religion and a specific focus on the communities within Northern Ireland giving the books a local dimension.
Each chapter is based on a series of questions about the religious faith. Activities link with the information given about a particular aspect of the religious faith. The activities generally take an enquiry approach asking pupils to find out more information about a specific aspect of the religion summing up at the end of the chapter what the pupils should have learnt and be able to reflect upon. The skills developed in each chapter are also highlighted along with an evaluation activity and a link to web activities on a colourpoint micro site.
Books published by Heinemann
Think RE
3 books + 3 teaching and learning files. CD-Roms are also available with presentations.
This series follows the National Framework in RE for England and Wales (one book and teaching file for each year at Key Stage 3). Most chapters are based around a Key Questions with a number of think about it activities that lead into the main assessment activity at the end of the chapter. The teaching about World Religions is covered within each chapter under the key questions/concept. The teaching and learning file has a range of worksheets that back up the Think about activities (these are also available on line for people who have purchased the file.
Modern World Religions
Series of books covering 6 main world religions with core and foundation books, a teacher resource pack and CD-Rom.
This series covers the two attainment targets in England and Wales – Learning about Religion and Learning from Religion. Each book focuses on one particular world religion with core and foundation editions. The teacher resource packs provide detailed teaching notes and guidance on expected learning along with differentiated activity sheets and homework sheets. The CD-Rom has further activities and worksheets that can be customised by the teacher to suit pupil level.
The main aspects of Learning Objective 4 in the RE core syllabus are within the books. The activities come at the end of a chapter and are split into learning about and learning from the religion.
The content of the books could be useful for research purposes for pupils at Key Stage 3.
Themes in RE – Learning from Religions
3 books + 3 teacher resource packs + CD-Roms.
This series covers content in Key Stage 3 in England and Wales through key concepts that are built on year by year. The activities are based around the information within the book and encourage pupils to think about the meaning behind the stories and information. At the end of each chapter the Assessment encourages pupils to think about the skills that they have used during the chapter and what they can do to improve their learning.
The teacher resource pack links the work in each chapter to the two attainment targets for England and Wales. There are a number of worksheets and activities linked to the tasks within the student book.
CD-ROM Resources
Communities of Faith in Ireland Today – Logos
This resource supports the teaching of the Junior Certificate in Religious Education in the Republic of Ireland. The focus is on four world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Judaism) that are represented in Ireland today. Each religion has information on the beginnings, beliefs, worship and present day. The information is easily accessed with printable information pages and links to video or sound clips. There are also quizzes centred around the information pages. The resource may be useful as an introduction to a specific religion or for research for pupils on a particular topic.
Exploring World Religions (available on C2K network) – Granada Learning
This resource looks at six world religions and provides information about places, holy writing, special day, people and beliefs. The information is given verbally and in written format. There is a facility within the tool box for pupils to make notes and to print them out. The information would be useful for pupils research and initial introduction into a world religion. There is a quiz facility where teams can be set up although the questions asked are often repeated regularly.
Copyright for the information in the religions section of this resource belongs to Mr. Norman Richardson.