
Wellbeing Hub


At Key Stage 4 and Post-16, the content for some qualifications gives opportunities for pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding, and often critical thinking, in areas of mental health and wellbeing.

Entry Level

Below are examples of content from Entry Level specifications that link to mental health and wellbeing. See the full specifications for more detail.

Qualification Content
Entry Level Learning for Life and Work Learning to Live Together: Treating people fairly and equally

My Rights and Being Responsible: Expressing views and opinions

Developing My Self-Management Skills: Exploring how they learn

Getting to Know Myself: Understanding and dealing with emotions; how emotions affect behaviour; communicating feelings; affecting other people positively and negatively
Entry Level Life Skills and Extended Life Skills Independent Life Skills: Basic food preparation; managing my money

Personal Skills: Healthy, active lifestyle; developing my self-management skills; relationships and sexuality; looking after my mental health; personal safety; participating in a community project

Communication and Number Skills: Using social media safely; using money

Arts and Leisure Skills: Working on a creative group project; performing arts; leisure for pleasure; adventurous activities; water based activities
Entry Level Physical Education Healthy Active Lifestyle: Balanced diet; physical activity; personal hygiene; the effects of smoking, alcohol and drugs (SAD)

Creative Activities

Leisure for Pleasure

Level 1/2

Below are examples of content from Level 1/2 specifications that link to mental health and wellbeing. See the full specifications for more detail.

Qualification Content
GCSE Learning for Life and Work Local and Global Citizenship: Rights and responsibilities; diversity and inclusion; social equality and human rights; the role of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), for example inclusion in school, the community and the workplace; the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC); social responsibility and media companies; Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act; and NGOs and health, poverty and human rights

Personal Development: Personal health and wellbeing; emotions and reactions to life experiences; relationships and sexuality; personal safety and wellbeing; budget management; the contribution of diet, exercise and attitude to health and wellbeing; risks associated with alcohol, substance misuse and other unhealthy lifestyle choices; the impact on mental health of lifestyle factors such as hygiene, stress, work–life balance and income; developing a healthy mind; support for young people with addictions and mental health issues; managing emotions and reactions to life experiences; managing change; healthy relationships; sexual identity; risk-taking behaviour (for example self-harm, excessive dieting and overeating); forms of abuse on social media; strategies to deal with abuse and bullying
GCSE Health and Social Care Personal Development, Health and Well-Being: Human development; factors affecting health and wellbeing; relationships; self-concept; major life changes and sources of support

Working in the Health, Social Care and Early Years Sectors: Identifying and meeting the needs of service users; provision of integrated health, social care and early years services; accessing health, social care and early years services and barriers to access; job roles of practitioners; values of care; safeguarding
Level 1 and Level 2 Preparation for Adult Life (Vocational Qualification) Diversity and Social Inclusion: Challenges for young people living in a culturally diverse society

Democracy and Democratic Participation: How society benefits from democracy, inclusion and justice

Human Rights and Social Responsibility: How a young person can make a change to their community

Equality and Social Justice: Understanding why people can be excluded from society on the basis of poverty

Self-Development: Challenges in young people’s lives, self-confidence, self-esteem and emotions

Healthy Relationships: How sexuality impacts on a young person’s life

Maintaining Personal Health and Wellbeing: Exploring opportunities and challenges in relation to personal health and wellbeing

Effective Financial Management: Consequences of overspending

Level 3

Below are examples of content from Level 3 specifications that link to mental health and wellbeing. See the full specifications for more detail.

Qualification Content
GCE Health and Social Care Promoting Quality Care: Anti-discriminatory care values in relation to mental health; legislation such as the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 and The Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995; the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC); health and safety in the workplace

Communication in Health, Social Care and Early Years Settings: Communication skills used to build good relationships in caring for others

Health and Well-Being: Concepts of health, stress-related illness, mental health and mental illness; the impact of ill health and environmental, behavioural and socio-economic factors on psychological wellbeing; organisations supporting wellbeing

Safeguarding Children: Understanding abuse and safeguarding policies

Adult Service Users: Emotional, physical and social needs

Holistic Therapies: Use of holistic therapies in managing a medical condition

Understanding the Physiology of Health and Illness: What happens when normal function of a body system is disrupted and the impact this can have on an individual’s health

Applied Research: Using appropriate evidence in health research

Body Systems and Physiological Disorders: Structure, function and control mechanisms of two major body systems

Providing Services: Services for people with physical and mental illness

Health Promotion: Local health improvement priorities and health promotion campaigns

Supporting the Family: How families can support those with social and emotional needs; support offered by the range of health and social care sectors; family issues

Understanding Human Behaviour: Psychological aspects of human behaviour; treatment and therapies for stress; socio-economic influences on stress, depression, aggression, eating disorders and phobias

Human Nutrition and Health: A balanced diet and the impact of food choices on health and wellbeing
GCE Sports Science and the Active Leisure Industry Health, Fitness and Lifestyle: Lifestyle factors influencing wellbeing; effects of the use and misuse of legal and illegal substances on wellbeing; the impact of lifestyle management on work/life/time balance, coping with stress, mental health and emotional wellbeing; social benefits to being a member of a club or group; physical challenges and their positive effect on mental health and motivation
Level 3 Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (Vocational Qualification) Active Citizenship: Understand the needs of others and contribute towards meeting these needs through a practical project or placement in the local community

Enrichment Activities: Evaluate current lifestyle and investigate leisure pursuits for relaxation purposes