Desirable Features

Using ICT Desirable Features for Key Stage 3

The Desirable Features include detailed advice on how schools can satisfy the requirements of the Levels of Progression. They support the planning and assessment of Using ICT.

There are 17 sets of Desirable Features. Each set:

  • gives examples of the characteristics and level of competence that pupils might typically demonstrate in a Using ICT activity;
  • aligns these characteristics to Levels 1 to 7 of the Levels of Progression;
  • applies to a range of software applications, allowing schools to make the best use of their resources; and
  • has bullet points that are colour-coded with the Levels of Progression, showing at a glance which aspects of the 5 ‘E’s an activity covers.

Not all of the points in the Desirable Features will apply to every activity, but it is likely that pupils will demonstrate most of the points at a level when they carry out an assessment task.

Range of Areas and Software

The Desirable Features reflect the range of many Using ICT activities typically available in post-primary schools.


Some Relevant Software Applications

Desirable Features

Gnéithe Inmhianaithe

2D CAD TechSoft 2D Design, AutoCAD LT, DraftSight, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, SketchUp

2D Cad  PDF, 159 KB

DRC 2T  PDF, 269 KB

3D CAD AutoCAD, Autodesk, Solidworks, ProDesktop, Google Sketchup, Techsoft

3D Cad  PDF, 158 KB

DRC 3T  PDF, 185 KB

Data Handling Microsoft Access, Openoffice, Information Workshop

Data Handling  PDF, 159 KB

Láimhseáil Sonraí  PDF, 184 KB

DTP Microsoft Publisher, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Word

Desktop Publishing  PDF, 157 KB

Foilsitheoireacht Deisce  PDF, 158 KB

Exploring Programming Logo, Scratch, Gamemaker, html, Mediator, Logicator, PIK Logicator, Lego Mindstorms

Exploring Programming  PDF, 159 KB

Ríomhchlárú a Fhiosrú  PDF, 190 KB

Game Making Scratch, GameMaker, Mediator

Game Making  PDF, 157 KB

Cluichí a chruthú  PDF, 149 KB

Measurement and Datalogging Proprietary software bundled with dataloggers, Microsoft Excel, DataHarvest, XLogger, Easy Sense

Measurement and Datalogging  PDF, 159 KB

Tomhas agus Logáil Sonraí  PDF, 151 KB

Music Technology GarageGand, Mixcraft, Project 5, Sony Acid, Logic, Audacity, EJay

Music Technology  PDF, 154 KB

Teicneolaíocht an Cheoil  PDF, 160 KB

Online Collaboration VLE such as Moodle, LNI, Google Docs, WordPress, Fronter, Weebly, Blackboard, StudyWiz

Online Collaboration  PDF, 173 KB

Comhoibriú ar Líne  PDF, 172 KB

Presentation PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, PhotoStory, Moviemaker

Presentation  PDF, 170 KB

Láithreoireacht  PDF, 166 KB

Researching Search Engines

Researching  PDF, 158 KB

Taighde a Dhéanamh  PDF, 175 KB

Simulation Flowcharting, Logicator, Genie, Yenka Technology, Genie Circuit Wizard

Simulation  PDF, 173 KB

Ionsamhlu  PDF, 270 KB

Using Modelling Microsoft Excel, Apple iWork Numbers, Google Docs

Using Modelling  PDF, 160 KB

Samhaltú a Úsáid  PDF, 202 KB

Web Design FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Kompozer, Publisher (at lower levels)

Web Design  PDF, 158 KB

Dearadh Gréasáin  PDF, 183 KB

Working with Images Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, The Gimp,, ComicLife, CrazyTalk

Working with Images  PDF, 157 KB

Ag Obair le hÍomhánna  PDF, 170 KB

Working with Moving Images/Animation iMovie, Moviemaker, Final Cut, Adobe Premiere, iStopMotion, I Can Animate, Helium Frog, Crazy Talk/Crazy Talk Pro, 2simple2animate

Working with Moving Images/Animation  PDF, 173 KB

Beochaintí Íomhá ar Íomhá (Beochaintí Íomhá ar Íomhá agus ag Obair le hÍomhánna Gluaisteacha)  PDF, 171 KB

Working with Sound Audacity, GarageBand

Working with Sound  PDF, 155 KB

Ag Obair le Fuaim  PDF, 169 KB

Please note that this is not a definitive list: the types of activity may change over time, and other available software applications may work equally well.

Skills and Capabilities

Cross-Curricular Skills
Using ICT