UNCRC Resource Hub

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Resource Hub

Children and Young People’s Rights – 4 Principles

Introduction to the UNCRC Hub

CCEA and the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) have partnered to create this child rights resource hub for teachers and pupils.

Its aim is to provide a range of resources that will help to tell children and young people about their rights, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Here, you can find out more about the UNCRC, its relevance to the curriculum, and importance for young people.

By using the activities and workshops on the Primary Resources and Post-Primary Resources pages, you can help pupils to:

  • respect their own rights and the rights of others;
  • recognise the interdependence of people, communities and the environment; and
  • contribute to the welfare of school, the community and the environment.

You can also learn more About the UNCRC and explore the Webinars and Icebreakers.

Areas of Learning

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
Local and Global Citizenship
In partnership with