Think Pack - Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

Think Pack - Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

Listen and Think Storybooks

Our Listen and Think storybooks are an enjoyable way to introduce and support the Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities framework.

Storytelling is an effective way to communicate thoughts and feelings. It can help learners to identify and address issues, clarify beliefs and think about their values.

Who are the books for?

The ten Listen and Think storybooks are intended for Foundation Stage (Years 1 and 2).

How should we use the books?

You can read the books with or to your learners. Take time to talk about the illustrations that support the text. These can help to stimulate learners' questions and discussions.

Each book lists key words or phrases that you can introduce, as appropriate, to help learners to develop a shared vocabulary when talking about and using skills and capabilities.

At key points in the text, you will come across a bee or a ladybird symbol. These indicate a good time to stop and use the Discussion Prompts on the last page of each book to draw out, highlight and develop aspects of the particular thinking skill or personal capability.

At the end of each book, there are prompts to encourage learners to become storytellers by sharing their own ideas and stories.
