Content Overview
Unit 1: From Screen To Page
Focus: Interpreting moving image through creative writing.
Poetry Resource: "My Place" by Carly Parker (15 year old pupil)
Theme: Open to interpretation (bullying, isolation, privacy, security etc)
Possible Poetry Focus: Rhyming couplet, poetic voice
Unit 2: Odes To Advertising
Focus: Considering how structure contributes to an effective ending.
Poetry Resource: "To Morning" by William Blake
Theme: Admiration, Praise
Possible Poetry Focus: Romantic poetry, Descriptive language, Personification, Enjambment, The Ode.
Unit 3: It's All In The Edit
Focus: Investigating the role of editing in shaping meaning.
Poetry Resource: "The Tyger" by William Blake
Theme: Creation
Possible Poetry Focus: Imagery
Unit 4: Places
Focus: Accessing and selecting moving image. Assigning selected images to poetry.
Poetry Resources: Project 1 "Cape Town Morning" "Cape Town by Day" and "Cape Town by Night" by Ingrid de Kok. Project 2 "Assynt Mountains" by Mandy Haggith. Project 3 "Adlestrop" by Edward Thomas. Project 4 "Storm on the Island" by Seamus Heaney.
Theme: Environment, Nature, Community
Possible Poetry Focus: (For projects in Unit 4 as appropriate), Free Verse, Atmosphere/description, Visual language, Personification, The senses
Unit 5: People
Focus: Accessing and selecting moving image. Assigning selected images to poetry
Poetry Resources: Project 1 "Supernatural Songs IX: The Four Ages of Man" by W B Yeats. "I Shall Paint my Nails Red" by Carole Satyamun. "The Eagle" by Tennyson. Project 2 "Five Car Family" by Roger McGough. Project 3 "Under Ben Bulben" by W B Yeats. Project 4 "The Shoes" by John Mole.
Theme: Life, Individuality, Responsibility, Change, Loss
Possible Poetry Focus: Rhyme Scheme, List poems
Unit 6: Conflict
Focus: Select moving and still images to suit mood and content of poem.
Poetry Resources: "Belfast Confetti" by Ciaran Carson. "For the Mother of a Son Shot Dead during the Riots - 1976" by Peter Clarke.
Theme: Environment, Community, Direction, Loss
Possible Poetry Focus: Descriptive style, Literal style, Understated tone, Visual language
Links to Northern Ireland Curriculum
This resource helps meet the aims and objectives of the Northern Ireland Curriculum by:
- Developing Pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
Pupils should have opportunities to become critical, creative and effective communicators by:
- expressing meaning, feelings and viewpoints;
- interpreting visual stimuli including the moving image;
- analysing critically their own and others’ texts;
- using a range of techniques, forms and media to convey information creatively and appropriately.
- Developing Pupils’ Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities
Managing Information:
- Adapt information
Thinking, problem solving, decision making:
- Analyse multiple perspectives
- Make decisions
Being creative:
- Exploration
- Make connections between new ideas
Working with others:
- Be willing and able to reach an agreement through compromise
- Learning with and from others
Self Management:
- Review and improve
- Prioritise the most important things to do
- Addressing the Following Key Elements
- Mutual Understanding
- Personal Understanding
- Cultural Understanding
- Media Awareness
- Moral Character
- Personal Health
- Spiritual Awareness
- Employability
Providing opportunities for the development and assessment of communication skills
The opportunities for development of communication skills included in each section outlines how the suggested pupil activities can be used in developing and assessing the cross-curricular skill of communication.
Each activity will have a special assessment focus on either talking and listening, reading and writing, as well as containing elements of all three.
The requirements referred to are taken from the draft Levels of Progression in Communication.