Science Resources from TIMSS

Science Resources from TIMSS

Northern Ireland pupils took part in TIMSS, which assesses how well our pupils perform in maths and science.

The results from TIMSS and other international studies are used to inform policy development and to provide a robust evidence base for comparative analysis of our system’s performance.

Our pupils performed extremely well in mathematics and although they did well in science there were areas where they didn’t do as well as expected.As a result, for the first time, we have used the analysis from TIMSS to develop new science resources for teachers.

These science lessons have been developed by NFER with advice and support from DE, CCEA, ETI and the EA, and are based on results from the Trends in International Mathematics and Sciences Study (TIMSS). Teachers will find these resources useful in developing the use of practical and investigative work within the World Around Us lessons.

Areas of Learning

The World Around Us