Science: Global Dimension
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We have developed these resources to encourage pupils to explore the Global Dimension within their learning at Key Stage 3. The Global Dimension incorporates the key concepts of global citizenship, conflict resolution, diversity, human rights, interdependence, social justice, sustainable development and values and perceptions.
The learning and teaching activities in the resources give pupils the opportunity to examine a range of issues that face individuals and society, locally and globally. The activities can help address some of the statutory requirements at Key Stage 3, and can contribute to the development of Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities and the Cross-Curricular Skills.
Food Miles
You can use this resource alongside the Learning for Life and Work Integrated Activity 'Food Miles'. The activities in this resource give pupils the opportunity to examine the issue of Food Miles, using the key concepts of the Global Dimension.
Migrant Workers
This resource complements and builds on 'Migrant Workers'. The activities in this resource give pupils opportunities to further explore the issues associated with migrant workers: forced migration, human rights and the influence of the media on the public perception of migrants in Northern Ireland. Pupils can explore these issues through the lens of the Global Dimension and deepen their understanding of the issues and challenges that migrant groups face across Northern Ireland.
Science: A Global Dimension
The activities in this resource give pupils opportunities to explore issues within science education from a global perspective. The resource focuses on three key areas which can be examined using the key concepts of the Global Dimension: Bias in Science; Mobile Phones; and Water.