Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)
Social Media and Its Effects on Relationships and Self-Esteem
On this page
Social media has become an integral part of everyday life for large numbers of young people. It offers many benefits for young people and society in general, such as providing:
- a way to connect with friends and family over long distances;
- a route to learning and developing skills;
- an outlet for creativity and activism; and
- opportunities for job searches.
However, it can also have a negative impact on young people’s health and wellbeing, for example by causing increased levels of anxiety and depression. See the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee report on the impact of social media and screen-use on young people’s health for more information.
Most social media sites a have a minimum age restriction of 13, but we know that children and young people do not always follow this. Social media sites set these limits as they recognise that some content may not be suitable for younger age groups.
When using social media, young people should understand:
- the risks associated with using it;
- the importance of reading the terms of service of the sites they are using;
- how to use appropriate privacy settings;
- the importance of having a strong password;
- the risks of sharing personal information on social media sites;
- how to recognise and resist the pressures placed on them to share inappropriate images of themselves or others;
- the possible consequences, including legal ramifications, of sexting;
- that once they have posted and shared something, they have lost control over where it goes and what happens to it; and
- that it is wrong to cyberbully and post content which can harm other people or lower their self-esteem.
If something does go wrong with social media and young people find themselves as victims of cyberbullying or other forms of online harassment, they should know what to do or who to talk to for help. The UK Safer Internet Centre’s Professionals Online Safety Helpline offers advice on online safety issues like grooming, cyberbullying and online reputation, and can be useful for anyone that works with children and young people.
Post-Primary Units
Unit 1: How Media May Affect Self-Esteem
In this unit, pupils learn the definitions of types of media, how the media’s use of altered images puts pressure on young people and the strategies to deal with those pressures.
Unit 2: Selfies and Self-Esteem
In this unit, pupils learn the definition of a selfie, reasons for taking and posting selfies, how the selfie can be altered, the affect it can have on others and strategies to deal with the pressure that selfies may cause.
Here are some links that we think are particularly useful for this topic:
Aimed at pupils aged 11–14, this lesson plan covers topics like the impact of positive and negative online experiences - childnet.com
This film for 11–15 year olds shows how cyberbullying can happen, its impact and what can be done to respond to it