Problem Solving in Mathematics

Problem Solving in Mathematics

CCEA has developed this resource to promote problem solving in mathematics, providing suggested activities that allow pupils to demonstrate their mathematics in real-life and work situations.

Key features of resource:

  • It encourages pupils to solve problems by identifying what mathematics is needed and how it should be used.
  • It allows pupils to make connections between different strands of mathematical knowledge and understanding to solve a problem.
  • It provides pupils with the opportunity to work individually or collaboratively in order to find a solution.
  • It encourages pupils to reflect on what methods and strategies they have used, and whether they have found a solution.

While the problem solving materials don’t always have a focus on one particular strand of knowledge and understanding, they have been grouped in the tabs below into the strands that have the greater focus.

The problems also have a difficulty rating associated with them that is indicated using circles - rising from one circle to the most difficult, four circles. The indication of difficulty can be found at the end of each row below. Please note, due to the inclusion of new less difficult problems the difficulty rating for each task has been amended.

You can read more about the resource in this accompanying introduction:

Areas of Learning

Mathematics and Numeracy