Primary Languages

Primary Languages

Learning languages in practice

These videos demonstrate a range of approaches to language teaching in primary schools. They illustrate how language-trained specialist primary teachers, peripatetic teachers and non-language specialists can all play a role in integrating languages into the primary curriculum.

They also highlight funding opportunities, timetabling ideas, and the benefits that second language learning has for pupils, teachers and the wider school community.


Millburn Primary School

See how Millburn Primary School uses staff expertise and the 1+2 model to embed its modern languages programme within curriculum time, with children learning one additional language from Year 1 and more from Year 4 upwards.

St Ronan’s Primary School

Find out how weekly language lessons give all children at St Ronan’s Primary School opportunities to develop their confidence and skills while they enjoy exploring something new.

Fane Street Primary School

Learn how languages at Fane Street Primary School link with different Areas of Learning and positively impact on children’s ability to express themselves in ways that are dynamic, creative and fun.