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Place-Names in Northern Ireland

Place-Names in Northern Ireland

On this page

Place-names in Northern Ireland - Ideas for Connected Learning (ICL) provides a range of active learning experiences for Key Stage 2 pupils. It’s designed to connect work in the Areas of Learning of:

  • Language and Literacy
  • The World Around Us
  • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding.

This ICL has an emphasis on the Northern Ireland Curriculum key element of Cultural Understanding.

The resource is based on materials created by the Northern Ireland Place-Name Project (NIPNP) within the Irish & Celtic Studies Department at Queen’s University, Belfast. Throughout this ICL, you will be able to use the project’s live Northern Ireland Place-Names Database.

Many primary schools have developed Shared Education Partnerships and this resource may be useful for Key Stage 2 classes taking part in collaborative work with partnership schools, whether they are part of a local community or in different locations.

Lesson Areas

There are six lesson areas to choose from in the ICL. Each area has teacher notes for a range of activities and a presentation for sharing with pupils.

Areas of Learning

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
Language and Literacy
The World Around Us