Relationships and Sexuality Education

Period Dignity

Support for Schools

CCEA is supporting the implementation of the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 by providing curriculum materials for all schools, including all-boys’ schools. Inclusive education on periods and menstrual wellbeing is key to giving all young people opportunities to understand and challenge common misconceptions and related stigma.

We will notify key contacts about Period Dignity and Menstrual Wellbeing learning resources and Teacher Professional Learning webinars.

The Department of Education has produced Guidance to Specified Public Service Bodies on the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022. This applies to Boards of Governors of voluntary grammar schools, grant-maintained integrated schools and Catholic maintained schools, and proprietors of independent schools. Microsoft Word templates for creating a Statement on Arrangements and a Period Dignity school policy are also available on the link above.