Period Dignity
Frequently Asked Questions
Period Dignity Key Contacts
What does it mean to be a Period Dignity Key Contact?
Period Dignity Key Contacts are representatives from schools across Northern Ireland who receive important information and updates on Period Dignity and Menstrual Wellbeing resources and guidance.
They’re involved in how the free period products scheme and period dignity education are implemented in their school, with support from the school’s senior leadership team.
How and when do schools receive updates on Period Dignity?
We will email important updates to each school’s Period Dignity Key Contact.
The type of information can vary, from details on Teacher Professional Learning webinar opportunities to information on learning resources.
Period Dignity Policy
Do schools need a Period Dignity policy?
Schools are expected to develop their own internal Period Dignity policy. See the Department of Education’s Guidance to Specified Public Service Bodies on the Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 for a template.
Does each school’s Period Dignity policy relate to their Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) policy?
Each school’s Period Dignity policy should align closely with their RSE policy and can be incorporated as a sub-section within it.
Teacher Support
Our school missed the Teacher Professional Learning webinars in 2023/24. Can we still take part in training?
We will email updates to Period Dignity Key Contacts about future support events. You can nominate your school’s key contact on our Updates Form.
We will provide participants with supporting materials after any support events.
Are there teacher resources?
We have developed teaching resources on Period Dignity and Menstrual Wellbeing for primary, post-primary and SEN.
Topics include:
Primary and SEN
- Body changes during puberty
- Female and male reproductive systems
- Period facts
- Period wellness – physical and emotional wellbeing
- Period situations
- Menstrual cycle
- Understanding periods
- Period challenges and solutions
- Period products and period hygiene
- Endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome
- Perimenopause and menopause (coming soon).
The resources include approaches to challenging negative attitudes, stereotypes and gender inequality around periods.
Who should we contact for help with ...
Ordering products for our school?
The Education Authority will answer operational queries on the procurement of period products for schools: [email protected]
Teacher Professional Learning and classroom resources?
CCEA will answer queries on curriculum materials and online Teacher Professional Learning:
Deidre Coffey | CCEA Education Manager – RSE, Period Dignity and the Preventative Curriculum
[email protected]
Roisin Radcliffe | CCEA Programme Manager
[email protected]
Or, email [email protected]
The legislation and its implementation?
The Department of Education will answer wider policy questions about the legislation and its implementation:
Ashleigh Mitford | Tackling Educational Disadvantage Team
[email protected]
Dale Heaney | Tackling Educational Disadvantage Team
[email protected]
Or, for general Department of Education enquiries, please email [email protected]