Relationships and Sexuality Education

Period Dignity

Accessing Period Products

The Period Products (Free Provision) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 requires that:

  • period products are easily accessible;
  • period products are free of charge;
  • a reasonable range of period products is available, with consideration given to reusable items;
  • the availability and accessibility of free period products is publicised to product users; and
  • product users’ dignity and confidentiality are protected.

The Education Authority (EA) is responsible for the procurement system that enables all schools to purchase period products to ensure they are accessible to pupils, staff and visitors who need them, when they need them.

A copy of the Schedule for Feminine Hygiene Products is available on EA Procure. You can request login details by emailing [email protected].

For post-primary school budgets, see Department of Education – Period Dignity. Primary schools will receive an allocation of free period products for pupils during the autumn term.

Schools should consider the different needs of product users who are likely to be on their premises based on, for example, their religious beliefs, disability, gender identity, age and health conditions.

Period products must be available in all school buildings used for educational and non-educational purposes. For example, buildings comprising science labs, off-site sports facilities and detached canteen buildings, providing these are school premises, should all have free period products available for use on the premises.