Online Safety

Online Safety

The speed at which technology develops makes keeping ourselves safe online challenging.

Teachers and others who care for young people need guidance and advice to help support young people to learn, communicate, socialise and enjoy online pastimes.

The Northern Ireland Curriculum embeds e-safety, particularly within the Using ICT framework, giving young people opportunities to show their knowledge and understanding of acceptable online behaviour and recognise and respond to dangers.

Our online safety resources include Digital for Life and Work, where you can find bespoke guidance, resources and a comprehensive progression framework for primary pupils on the six key areas: Digital Wellbeing and Online Safety, Digital Etiquette and Identity, Digital Security and Privacy, Digital Consumer, Digital Law and Digital Proficiency.

Other sections introduce stakeholders to key current digital safety issues and signpost to more detailed information and resources from specialist agencies. We also highlight specific issues that are becoming increasingly prevalent for young people such as sextortion, child sexual exploitation, upskirting and downblousing. Some of the information and materials overlap with those that are available on the CCEA RSE Hub for use in schools.

Areas of Learning

Personal Development and Mutual Understanding
Learning for Life and Work
Local and Global Citizenship
Personal Development
The World Around Us

Skills and Capabilities

Cross-Curricular Skills
Using ICT