Using ICT in Practice

Online Communication and Online Learning

This suite of ICT materials has been developed for use by teachers that are delivering (or would like to deliver) activities for pupils via an online platform.

This suite of resources includes a new set of Desirable Features (non-statutory guidance) for Online Communication, Tasks to scaffold and give ideas for online communication activities, and screencasts and user guides.

Microsoft Teams Tutorials

Setting up Microsoft Teams

How to create an assignment

Creating quiz on Forms

Create an assignment with Forms

Access an assignment and hand in pupil view

Setting up channels and creating conversations

Google Classroom Tutorials

How to set up Google Classroom

Setting up topics and starting a conversation

How to create an assignment

Assignment from pupil point of view hand in work

Creating a quiz assignment

Creating a collaborative whiteboard using Jamboard

Using Google Slides to create a collaborative presentation

Ideas for using and sharing Jamboard for online communication

Generate a Google Meet Link

Create and share a Google Meet Link

Support via C2k

MS Teams and O365
Join the C2k-Getting to know Teams Primary community by clicking on this link when signed in with your C2k user account. This team includes the Getting started channel which contains a number of resource collections to support you or you can post a question

Google Classroom and Workspace (formerly G Suite)
Google Workspace support site available in the C2k My-School Portal
Go to My-School | View All | Google Workspace for education | Google Workspace Support site

Sharing Good Practice

Do you have ideas for Online Learning that you'd like to Share? Get in touch! [email protected]

Skills and Capabilities

Cross-Curricular Skills
Using ICT