Northern Ireland @ 100
From Ulster to Northern Ireland 1600-1921
From Ulster to Northern Ireland 1600-1921 is a learning hub which provides key learning aids and information sites related to why and how Ireland and Ulster were partitioned in the early 1920s. The target audience is Key Stage 3.
Watch this video from the Nerve Centre to get an overview of the process leading to the formation of Northern Ireland in 1921.
The hub includes a wide range of learning materials, curricular guides and links to explore. It considers key questions across a number of subject areas. It provides opportunities for pupils to address partition and the creation of Northern Ireland within the Northern Ireland Curriculum, while including the Cross-Curricular Skills and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities.
This hub gives teachers and pupils the tools to see this centenary as an opportunity to learn and reflect on our past to inform our future, and to develop learning about our shared history in a positive, inclusive and constructive environment.
The foundations for this hub are The Principles of Remembering, which were agreed as the ground rules for marking the Decade of Centenaries 2012-2022 throughout the island of Ireland. The Principles include:
- Starting from the historical facts
- Recognising the implications and consequences of what happened
- Understanding that different perceptions and interpretations exist
- Showing how events and activities can deepen our understanding of the period.
Areas of Learning
- Environment and Society
- Learning for Life and Work
- Language and Literacy
- The Arts
Cross-Curricular Learning
Using ICT
All six units provide pupils with the opportunity to develop skills in various desirable features such as Desktop Publishing, Presentations, Researching, Working with Images, Working with Moving Images, and Working with Sound. The suggested additional tasks available in each of the units encourage pupils to explore, think critically, and reflect on the topic using a range of video, imagery and audio. The digital tasks available throughout the units give pupils the opportunity to learn both independently and collaboratively, as well as helping to develop their learning across the 5 ‘E’s (Explore, Express, Exchange, Evaluate, Exhibit) using a range of software packages.
Through Using ICT, pupils are encouraged to be creative, think independently, collaborate with others, and use a digital platform to share what they have learned.
The units provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their talking and listening and reading and writing skills through independent learning and group activities. Completing the ICT and creative writing tasks enable pupils to express themselves, develop as individuals, engage with others and improve skills that will help them to contribute as members of society.
Opportunities to develop Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
Through a selection of independent and group digital tasks pupils can analyse patterns and relationships in the information with which they have been provided. They also have the opportunity to investigate and discuss the historical perspectives of meaning, ideas and attitudes relevant to the period.
When Using ICT approaches in their work pupils will have the opportunity to create, design and share knowledge and new ideas, as well as to evaluate and monitor their progress. As they learn about the issues and ideas of the time, pupils are encouraged to understand and manage not only the information available to them, but also their emotions and reactions.
Pupils should have opportunities to:
Investigate the past and its impact on our world today through an understanding of:
- different perspectives and interpretations;
- cause and effect;
- continuity and change;
- progression and regression;
and by developing:
- the enquiry skills to undertake historical investigations;
- critical thinking skills to evaluate a range of evidence and appreciate different interpretations;
- creative thinking skills in their approach to solving problems and making