The following resources were funded and created through the Northern Ireland Community Relations Council Media Grant Scheme:
Bridging The Gap
This is a 60-minute film, accompanied by a trailer. The film explores the experiences of newcomer pupils in Craigavon schools. The film capture the views and experiences of pupils, parents, educators, academics and leaders in the Community Intercultural Programme. It considers the challenges newcomer pupils may face and in particular the language barrier.
Where is Belfast
This is a 20-minute film, accompanied by a short trailer. The film examines the experiences and challenges of young migrants living in local communities.
Voices of the New Belfast
Voices of the New Belfast is a documentary film project that focuses on the lives and experiences of nine individuals from other countries who have come to live in Belfast. The documentary consists of nine films each accompanied by a short introductory text. Each film captures real stories and explores the experiences of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. The film deals with some of the issues that affect these people and their communities.
Fleadh Con(fus)ion
Fleadh Con(fus)ion Engagement of Londonderry Bands Forum with the All Ireland Fleadh in Derry and training/facilitation.
Key Stage 3 learning resource in 3 units, stereotypes, cultural identity and learning on the Cultúrlann website:
The choices we made: Bystanding and Conflict in Northern Ireland
Film and education guide dealing with the legacy of the Troubles through the real life stories of people through focusing on their individual choices and behaviours when they felt they did not stand up to a perceived injustice.
Spring Farm Learning To Live Together
This is an eight-minute film about people's experiences of living in the Spring Farm Community in Antrim. Spring Farm is integrated community, which has around 40% of people from ethic minatory groups, 30% Catholic and 30% Protectants. The film illustrates diversity and inclusion in a local community.