Maths Think Differently

Maths Think Differently

Numeracy Coordinators: Improve learner confidence and enjoyment of maths

The latest TIMSS results for Northern Ireland (2019) indicate that fewer of our Year 6 pupils like or feel confident about maths than their international peer group. Both are known to be linked to success in maths.

These six sets of resources provide everything Numeracy Coordinators (NumCo) need to lead staff development and partner with parents and guardians to improve learner confidence and enjoyment.

Developed and road tested by practising NumCo they include the latest research, bespoke animations to support staff discussion and identify change, measure impact, and inform parents, guardians, and learners.

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) published by National Foundation for Educational Research.

Areas of Learning

Mathematics and Numeracy

Skills and Capabilities

Cross-Curricular Skills
Using Mathematics