Levels of Progression Using ICT

Levels of Progression for Using ICT

The Levels of Progression for Using ICT are set out in can-do statements. They set the standards of what is expected for pupil competency in Using ICT. They can help teachers make judgements about the levels pupils are working at and are a guide to progression in this skill.

In the academic year 2024/25, schools should submit levels in Communication (Reading) and Using Mathematics (Number/Number and Algebra) for pupils in Years 4, 7 and 10. There is no requirement to submit levels in Using ICT. See the Interim End of Key Stage Assessment Arrangements 2024/25 resource for details.

There are progression statements for each of the 5 ‘E’s, which are the curriculum requirements for Using ICT.

The expected level for the end of:

  • Key Stage 1 is Level 2;
  • Key Stage 2 is Level 4; and
  • Key Stage 3 is Level 5.

Skills and Capabilities

Cross-Curricular Skills
Using ICT