Interactive Levels of Progression

Interactive Levels of Progression

We have created a new interactive resource for the Communication Levels of Progression including all key stages: SEN, Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1, 2 and 3. It brings together the Levels of Progression, the expansion documents and the Ready Reckoners in one easy to navigate system.

The resource is designed to fully support progression. Teachers can choose a mode, select a requirement and have a choice to either move between the full range of levels from the Q Skills through to Level 7, or select specific levels as a focus. Teachers can also view related tasks and exemplification linked to the requirement they have selected.

Skills and Capabilities

Skills and Capabilities
Cross-Curricular Skills
Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
Managing Information
Working with Others
Being Creative
Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making
Problem Solving
Self-Management (Improving own learning and performance)