Exploring The Life And Times of Cú Chulainn

Exploring The Life And Times of Cú Chulainn

About this resource

This animated series contains six programs based on the major events in the life of Cú Chulainn. There are three learning units and each unit offers a variety of resources: a teacher's guide, a whiteboard resource and a student workbook containing various activities, worksheets, glossaries and much more.

Units of study

Accompanying the series are dynamic educational resources which can be downloaded for classroom use. Three inter-linked 'Exploring The Life And Times of Cú Chulainn' units of study, specially developed to support the Northern Ireland Curriculum, are available. Each unit of study uses the Cú Chulainn animated series to explore life in early times.

Each unit comprises a teacher guide, an interactive whiteboard resource and a pupil workbook. Teacher guides for each unit of study provide lesson plans, step by step guidance through pupil workbook and ICT activities and templates for classroom use. Teacher guides should be used along with the interactive whiteboard resources for each unit, which allow teachers to display key content and helpful guides to pupil activities.

Pupil workbooks contain fully illustrated worksheets on all topics plus a wide variety of pupil activities, quizzes and glossaries of key vocabulary.

Each unit of study supports Key Stage 2 Curriculum delivery, offering teachers the opportunity to cover different Areas of Learning, Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities, Cross-Curricular Skills and introduce pupils to skills assessable through CCEA's 'Using ICT Accreditation' scheme.

Areas of Learning

Language and Literacy