How EU Are You? - Activities
Activity 1 - Group Identity
Ask the pupils to brainstorm five things that would describe the football team in the school or five things that would sum up the school choir. Explain that these characteristics form a group identity. In pairs, ask your pupils to write down the name of a group they belong to and then give five characteristics of its group identity.
Record their answers and discuss this further, if necessary.
Activity 2 - My Country’s Identity
Divide the class into pairs and ask each pair to create a collage from symbols, pictures or key words that sum up their country’s identity. Their collage must show how their country celebrates its identity (either in art, sport, music, festivals, traditions and/or holidays). Pairs should refer to the internet, tourist magazines and newspapers.
Next, assign each pair a different country in the EU. Inform the pupils that they must research the country they have been given to find symbols, its flag, its currency and symbols associated with its currency, and words and pictures that sum up that country’s identity. Each pair must then create a second collage that sums up their assigned country’s national identity. When they have finished, ask each pair to present and explain their collage to the class.
Finally, ask your pupils to reflect on the similarities and differences between the identity of the country they live in and that of the EU country they just researched. They can record these observations on Resource 2.2.
Activity 3 - Euro Indenti-Tee
Ask your pupils to pair up with their partner from Activity 2. Ask them to look again at the similarities that they recorded in their Comparison Alley in Resource 2.2. Ask them to use their findings to create a tee-shirt design that depicts some of the key similarities that unite us in a European identity. For information on official symbols of the EU, you may wish to refer Resource 2.3.