Session 1 - Who or What Is the EU?
Session Summary
In this session, pupils review the countries in the continent of Europe and identify those that are part of the European Union. They also consider the EU’s impact on member states and EU citizens.
Pupils have opportunities to learn about:
- the composition of the EU;
- the nature of the EU and its institutions;
- the impact of the EU on individuals;
- EU laws, policies and institutions;
- EU currencies; and
- how to manage a budget.
Opportunities for Skills Development
Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities
In this session, the emphasis is on the skill of Managing Information. Pupils have opportunities to:
- group, select, sort and evaluate information – by processing information from a video and the internet and writing a newspaper article that presents their views on EU laws and policies; and
- record and adapt information – by obtaining information from the internet and restructuring it into maps, tables and flip charts.
Cross-Curricular Skills
If you wish, you can develop the following Cross-Curricular Skills in this session:
- Communication (Writing) – Pupils write a newspaper article outlining the pros or cons of EU laws and policies.
- Using Mathematics – Pupils use currency exchange rates and solve problems involving money.
Session Start-Up
Begin by explaining the purpose of the session, and ask your pupils to think about:
- what they already know about the European Union; and
- what they would like to know.
Have them record their thoughts in the first two columns of the K-W-L grid in Resource 1.1. Explain that they will complete the third column as they progress through the activities and discover answers to some of their questions.
Finish the introduction to the session by giving your pupils this definition of the EU:
“The EU is a family of democratic European countries committed to working together for peace and prosperity.”
Required Resource
Session Debrief
Return to the learning intentions to summarise the session.
Return to your pupils’ K-W-L grids and ask them to add anything they have learned to the third column. When completed, together reflect on the following:
- Why is the EU important?
- What they found interesting about the EU?
- What they found difficult to understand about the EU?