Think Pack - Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

Developing and Embedding Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

Learning Intentions and Success Criteria

On this page

Learning intentions are usually stated at the start of a lesson plan. They summarise what the teacher expects the result of teaching and learning to be. They are usually a single statement or several closely associated statements of what pupils will learn as a result of the lessons.

Success criteria expand on the learning intentions. They specify a set of conditions that pupils must meet. Success criteria clarify key factors that can be used to indicate where, or to what extent, the pupils have achieved their learning intentions.

It’s generally accepted that learning intentions should be shared with classes so that pupils have a clear sense of what they are expected to know, understand and be able to do at the end of the lesson or sequence of lessons.

These materials on learning intentions and success criteria outlined below can be used to run an in-house Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme on Learning Intentions and Success Criteria should your school wish to focus on developing this approach at whole-school level.