Communication Training Modules

Communication Training Modules

Module 4 - How to move pupils on

This module introduces teachers to pieces of pupil work that exemplify progression within a level. It shows how pupils can move on in their learning.

Before they carry out this module, teachers should be familiar with the standards for Communication across the levels. They should also have previously engaged in Internal Standardisation activities.

Time: 1 hour 10 minutes per skill area

Audience: Whole school

Led by: Assessment or Literacy Co-ordinator

Resources: View all resources for module 4

Before the meeting

Please ensure that you:

  1. become familiar with the tasks in this module;
  2. decide if you are going to look at the mode of reading and writing on one day or over two sessions;
  3. ensure all the teachers have copies of:
  4. watch Video 1: Moving pupils on. A principal and teachers discuss moving pupils on in their learning;
  5. download and become familiar with the following pieces of pupil work and commentaries:
  6. you may wish to become familiar with the CCEA iBook: Planning, Teaching and Assessing Character Studies – Reading Level 2; and 
  7. prepare required photocopies for tasks.

During the meeting

Ask your teachers to complete these 4 tasks:

Task 1: Order the pieces of work

Task time: 15 minutes

Ask the teachers to form small groups to discuss the Task 1: Reading Character Study resource. Ask them to:

Finally, you may wish to refer to the Task 1: Reading Character Study Commentaries resource. Please note, at this stage this resource is for your use only.

Task 2: Learning intention and success criteria

Task time: 10 minutes

Ask your teachers to discuss the possible learning intention and success criteria for the Task 1: Reading Character Study resource.

Encourage them to use the Ready Reckoner as a guide to ensure that the success criteria are consistent with the skills of the Requirements for Reading at Level 2.

Ensure that they understand that whilst learning intentions are generic, success criteria are negotiated with pupils and in this example, reflect the Requirements for Reading at Level 2. See Assessment for Learning - A Practical Guide, page 20.

  • Ask your teachers to look at the middle piece of work from the previous Task 1: Reading Character Study;
  • Next, ask your teachers to look at the requirements for Level 2. How could they use these requirements to make pupil friendly success criteria for a character study at Level 2?
  • Allow five minutes for this discussion; and
  • Show your teachers some suggested success criteria in the Task 2: Suggested success criteria resource. You may also find the CCEA Success Criteria Cards for Teachers and Pupils useful. These Success Criteria Cards have been designed to help teachers match reading and writing activities to the appropriate standard, using the Levels of Progression for Communication when carrying out literacy activities.

Task 3: Feedback

Task time: 15 minutes

Feedback is an important aspect of pupil improvement. Now give your teachers a few minutes to look at the middle piece to identify the feedback for this pupil based on the Task 2: Suggested success criteria covered in Task 2. Encourage them to pick out specific examples in the text that show how the success criteria have or have not been met. Allow teachers to discuss this for five minutes and take feedback.

Refer to the feedback sandwich: begin with a positive comment, then a constructive comment for improvement and end with a positive comment. For further information, refer to the CCEA iBook: Planning, Teaching and Assessing Character Studies – Reading Level 2.

Feedback for Pupil Improvement

Ask teachers to continue looking at what the pupil has to do to improve this piece using the Task 3: Feedback for Pupil Improvement – Reading resource and discuss these. Explain that this feedback is for training purposes only as in the classroom feedback would be on one area for development at a time. Providing this feedback enables the pupil to move on in his or her learning. Ensure that teachers are aware that they can also provide feedback verbally during a lesson and this method is often most beneficial.

Task 4: Marking for improvement

Task time: 20 minutes

Ask teachers to do a similar exercise with the lower and upper level pieces found in the Task 1: Reading Character Study resource range. Split the group into two. Ask one-half to work on the lower Level 2 piece and the other half to work on the higher Level 2 piece.

Ask your teachers to consider:

  • what the pupil has to do to improve this piece; and
  • what they have to teach to help the pupil improve this piece.

Ask your teachers to record their ideas using the What’s Next? – Moving Pupils On: Level 2 resource.

Take feedback.

Now compare the teachers' responses with the Task 1: Reading Character Study Commentaries resource. 

Two stars and a wish

Two stars and a wish will only be effective if teachers give pupils time to carry out the wish, if they are to move on in their learning. It is important to use the language of target setting so that pupils know what is expected and what they are striving towards.

For further information, refer to the CCEA iBook: Planning, Teaching and Assessing Character Studies – Reading Level 2.


After the meeting

The co-coordinator should plan the next Staff Development session with a focus on Progression within Persuasive Writing at Level 4. You may find these resources useful:

You may also wish to use the following PDF resource when discussing feedback for pupil improvement in Persuasive Writing:

You may wish to organise further meetings to look at progression within Reading and/or Writing.