Coding in the Classroom
Developing pupils’ Knowledge, Understanding and Skills
If you have decided to develop coding skills at Key Stage 3, you should consider giving your pupils opportunities to:
Solve a variety of computational problems that include:
- Designing a solution for the problem using computational thinking:
- Decomposition
- Abstraction
- Algorithms
- Generalisation
- Evaluation
- Building a solution based on their design using appropriate tools and techniques
- Testing and evaluating the solution against their original plan
- Using digital collaboration tools to safely collaborate with others to create and improve their solution
Learn about:
- The three constructs of programming:
- Sequence
- Selection
- Repetition (Iteration)
- Data types and their uses:
- Integer
- Float
- Boolean
- Strings
- Variables
- Outputting information to a screen
- User input and the user interface
- Operators:
- Arithmetic
- Comparison
- Logical
- IF statements
- Loops
- Create user-defined blocks of code (custom blocks in Scratch or Snap!, procedures, functions or methods)